How to keep healthy happy Crested Geckos!

5th Floor Xotics - Crested Geckos with Bromeliad

Crested geckos are a popular species of lizard to keep in captivity as they are relatively easy to care for and have a docile temperament. To keep them healthy and happy, it is important to provide them with a suitable habitat that mimics their natural environment as closely as possible. This includes providing them with:

  • A terrarium with a mesh lid that allows for adequate ventilation
  • A temperature range between 72-78°F (22-25°C) with a basking spot of about 82-84°F (28-29°C)
  • A humidity level between 50-70%
  • A source of UVB lighting for 12-14 hours per day
  • Live plants and branches for climbing and hiding
  • A shallow water dish for drinking and soaking
  • A diet of a commercial crested gecko diet and occasional live insects as a treat.

It’s also important to note that crested geckos are arboreal and prefer to live in high spaces, so the terrarium should be tall rather than wide. Also, they are nocturnal, so they prefer low light environments and hiding spaces.

It’s important to keep the terrarium clean by removing feces and uneaten food daily and spot cleaning as needed. Regularly check the terrarium’s temperature, humidity, and lighting to make sure they are within the appropriate range. With proper care, crested geckos can live for 8-20 years in captivity.

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