Arboreal Tarantula Feeding and Housing: What You Need to Know

Arboreal tarantulas, which are species of tarantulas that primarily reside in trees, have specific requirements for their housing, diet, and general care. Here are some key points to consider when keeping arboreal tarantulas:


  • Provide a vertically-oriented terrarium or cage, at least 2-3 times the length and width of the tarantula’s body, with plenty of hiding spots and climbing areas.
  • Use a substrate, such as coconut coir or sphagnum moss, that retains moisture and helps maintain a high humidity level, which is important for arboreal tarantulas. (Make sure to verify this fact for your exact species.)
  • Keep the temperature in the cage between 75-85°F and provide a heat source if necessary.


  • Offer a diet consisting of live insects, such as crickets, roaches (where legal,) or mealworms or even superworms, that are appropriate in size for the tarantula’s current body length.
  • Offer food once a week and remove any uneaten prey after 24 hours to avoid mold and bacterial growth, and damage to your tarantula. Keep in mind that some tarantulas won’t eat as much as they grow.

General Care:

  • We do not suggest handling. It can cause an accident, even a short fall can hurt a tarantula. There is also the rare chance of getting bitten. If need be, handle the tarantula gently and infrequently, as arboreal species are generally more skittish and can drop from easily if frightened.
  • Maintain the terrarium or cage regularly by removing uneaten food and cleaning the substrate.
  • Observe the tarantula for signs of stress, such as lethargy, not eating, or webbing, which can indicate a need for environmental or diet adjustments.

By providing proper housing, diet, and general care, arboreal tarantulas can be rewarding and fascinating pets to keep.

We enjoy our Avicularia Avicularia as a showpiece pet.

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